So it seems that I have been incapable of putting things away! There's even a green plastic bag that I am not sure why it's there! There are also more little tiny cut off pieces of paper than I know what to do with! They filled a bin bag on their own!
So look at me all tidy! Everything is put away in its rightful place! I have noticed my 'good wife' has moved place... My incredible, large and sunny window is fabulous for letting in natural light but it also means that it's hard to see the screen when you're watching tv. Oh yes! I have rediscovered those clever apps that stream tv and so I've been watching movies I've missed and the odd costume drama whilst I create - I'm still not sure that I believe Liam Neeson as a credible Hannibal in the A Team...!
So I have one last tidying job to do. I wonder if I can persuade child number 1 to put them away as a thank you for my Florence Nightingale impression...?!
So a huge thank you, as always to Julia for hosting WOYWW so graciously! Thank you for stopping by - I'm off to give my poorly girl another cuddle! I'll try and stop by your desks if she's well enough!

O.k. tidy huh? I wanna see your floor. That's where mine end up when I want to tidy. lol Those unmounted stamps look like lots of fun! needlewings #52
Loving the look of all those stamps!!! How fab, hope your daughter feels better hugs trace x 61
Hmm, very interested to know what all those stamps are. What a fabulous space, beats my kitchen table! Hope child no 1 is now feeling better. :)
I just think its not having enough storage... thats what I blame mine messy/creativity explosion on! I doesn't help that I hop from stamping to sewing to beading and back again.. oh well thank you for sharing and I love catching up on tv whilst crafting too.
I've dropped blogger on my ipad, it's hopeless. Am looking for a new app for blogging and am about to settle..will report back! Your desk looks fab in both photos, but the best view is all those lovely stamps! And no, I don't think the trade off will work...getting up in the night is (they think) part of the deal....! Hope he feels better.
Hope child 1 is better today. Too many choc orange muffins?? Love your tidy space (I can only dream...) See you Saturday (squeals back at you!!)
Hi Gabrielle
Sorry to hear that your girl is poorly and I wish a speedy recovery for her!
Great job on tidying up your work space!
Michaela xx
Great desk - love the before & after. I agree with Needlewings - most of my "tidy" ends up on the floor.
Hope your daughter is well soon.
mistys mum #104
Amazing transformation, but the question is of course, how long will it last.... Hope nr 1 feels better soon, if she's anything like mine she may well not show her FN appreciation though, but she may like sorting of course....
Have a great week! #32
Love this before and after - hope you are 'awake' today and child is well! Like your Wendy project above too.
Jacqui #112
Hope the bug doesn't go round all of you otherwise you will find something to do with that plastic bag sharpish.
Great to have a good tidying session, it allows you to have the fun of getting it all out again an hour later.
Thanks for sharing.
Ann B
...loVely bright workspace, natural light makes all the difference and makes your huge pile of stamps look very impressive...thanks for sharing...Mel :)
Fab pics, and look at those stamps. Hope no 1 is feeling better now, horrible when children aren't well, and you can't do much other than cuddles to help them. Take care, enjoy WOYWW snooping! Love Zo xx 75
You are now the official "Queen tidyuperer"!!! My afters are never that good before I start on the befores!!! Crikey, wonder if I'm the only one who understands what I'm trying to say here????
Hope F. is feeling better......hoipe it wasn't the choccy/orange muffins!
L. x
Lots of yummy stamps ... and a great bright work space and tidy.... Have a good week, Hugs May x x x No15
Yummy stamps!! Hope child #1 is better soon.
Look at you indeed all tidy! Love the before and after, my after never lasts long...
Thanks for the before and after, those are always the best! And, if you're fairly well organized, it doesn't take too long to repair the damage...but it takes even less time to mess it all up again! Crazy, huh? meh
~Deeyll #166
fab pile of stamps,hope your daughter is feeling better,x
What a fabulous stash of stamps
Sophie x
Gabrielle that looks like the sort of craft desk I'd like to play at. Mmmmm rubber! LOL. Sorry I'm late but been away, hope you have an even better Friday the 13th!
Hugs Erika.
What a nice clean sweep! Love the idea of a stamp filer on house staff... hope the ickiness is out of your home.
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