So, I've been poorly. Properly poorly with a virus that won't shift. For my family it's been joyous as it's resulted in the fact that I've been whispering for over two weeks! I tell you of my woes because as the pesky virus arrived my mojo departed. Completely disappeared and that just made me feel worse! Though, to be fair on my mojo I don't think I've been well enough to need it! So the joy I show you now is the mess I've made heralding that I'm on the mend! Lots of bits and pieces lying around waiting to be tidied up!
I don't have anything to show for what I've been making as they are DT things that are scheduled for revelation at a future point but I do have the full version of yesterday's sneaky peek. I hope you like it in all it's glory! Please pop over to the hostess-with-the-mostess, Julia, and see other creative spaces - thank you, as always, for hosting this Julia!
Hope you get to feeling better and your voice comes back quickly! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't torment the family cause of no squawker! Love your tags. Mojo will be back soon. Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #27
Sorry to read that you have been poorly ... I know how you feel as a virus got me in December and every creative brain cell was destroyed ...nice to see you are now creative again ...beautiful piece.
Love the winged piece. Crafting and viruses just don't go together, you just have to keep warm and rest and save all that creativity for when you are back to full speed. Ann B #46
glad to hear you are getting better. your project is striking with the textures and embellishment. happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing! hugs, peggy aplSEEDS
I do like it in all it's glory! It's really nice, gorgeous wing image. Glad you're starting to feel better..that's some illness that knocks you off your feet for two weeks, how horrid. No doubt your mojo will be on overdrive very soon!
So glad you are on the mend. Happy WOYWW!
Hope the full recovery is
Quick from now!! Take care. Leandra
Glad you are on the mend now - hope you get on ok at work today. Love the full view of the art.
Hope you get to feeling better and your voice comes back quickly! I don't know what I would do if I couldn't torment the family cause of no squawker! Love your tags. Mojo will be back soon. Thanks for sharing and have a great week! Vickie #27
Well, I do hope you feel much better soon, hugs. Trace x no16
Sorry to hear you've been poorly - hope there's an improvement really soon (Hazel, WOYWW 28) x
Sorry to read that you have been poorly ... I know how you feel as a virus got me in December and every creative brain cell was destroyed ...nice to see you are now creative again ...beautiful piece.
Hope you feel better soon! The wing is gorgeous, lovely colour!
Trish #44
Love the winged piece. Crafting and viruses just don't go together, you just have to keep warm and rest and save all that creativity for when you are back to full speed.
Ann B
Beautiful winged piece, take care and keep warm, Hugs May x x x x
Awww, Hope you feel better real soon and that your mojo returns quickly, Get well son Lou #84
Hope you are feeling better soon. I'm sure your mojo will return with your health. :)
Hope you're feeling much better when you read this. Thanks for sharing. Zo xx 83
Yikes Gabrielle, I didn't realise that you were still poorly sick. I'd have popped round with get well soon soup!!!
Oh poor hun, horrible, but at least your on the mend now, xx
Happy WOYWW and there's candy on my page, xx
Lou P
Sorry to hear that you have been so poorly, I hope you continue to recover [[[hugs]]]
Have a great WOYWW, Luv Karen #80
Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well--but I do really like the project that you're showing!
Good to hear you are on the mend. Interesting little winged project you are sharing today.
Oh, no.... that's just wrong! Two weeks down = awful on your mojo and your family. I hope you wake up tomorrow raring to go!
glad to hear you are getting better. your project is striking with the textures and embellishment. happy WOYWW, and thanks for sharing!
peggy aplSEEDS
Love your project. I see it has something for hanging, right? I hope you feel better soon and are singing from the rafters!!
I do like it in all it's glory! It's really nice, gorgeous wing image. Glad you're starting to feel better..that's some illness that knocks you off your feet for two weeks, how horrid. No doubt your mojo will be on overdrive very soon!
Glad to hear you're on the mend, beautiful project and lovely messy desk.
Brenda 97
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