I have completed a small Moleskine journal and looking back on some of the pages I thought it might be nice to share some of my favourites! You may remember some and some I may not have shared before! Didn't I keep the cover clean! That's because I wrap paper round the journal as I create so I don't get paint or ink on the pages I've made. I love the bright colours on this page. I remember smiling all the time I made it and it makes me smile to look at it again now!
Sometimes less is more and I think this page sums that up!
I love multiple images and this repeated image seems to go really well with the quote!
Another simple looking page but you know that the simpler ones can take longer to get right than the complex pages - this was no exception!
This was one of my first 'plays' with Infusions and I loved the effect they made. I am still in love with them today!
I loved making this page - it was quick and simple and the sprayed paint background was a joy to make.
Pink and blue, with a little yellow (gold in this case) is my favourite colour combination. Su is heavily disguised on this page!
This may be the last page in the journal but it was actually the second page I made! I always work from the outside in. So I'll do one page in the front and then the next page in the back so that the book stays balanced as it grows.
Thank you for popping by, I hope you enjoyed my trip down memory lane!
I am thrilled to have a project featured over at Country View Crafts Projects. I've made some playing cards. There are three more to see so please do pop over!
The latest challenge at Country View Crafts Challenges is to create something within 30 minutes. I have been incredibly lazy recently and my lovely studio is an absolute tip so that meant I didn't have to waste time finding things to use! I thought I'd share how I made this. I started by brayering a very thin layer of Pewter and then a layer of White Fire and built up a background. I actually made about four layers of each. By only using thin layers it dries very quickly.
I then put some Matte Glaze along the top of the page and sprinkled some Black Knight Infusions on top. I used an old credit card and dragged the Matte Glaze down the page. It not only adds a really cool grungy effect it collects in the pits created by the brayering and adds highlights to the page which are, for me, really exciting and always unexpected. This step takes no time at all and also dries very quickly - essential when you're up against a time limit!
So this is the effect you get!
I stamped the leaves and the border stamp on the bottom (so my chaps had something to stand on!) and I took a paintbrush with water on it and I 'painted' the leaves and border which removes some of the Infusions colour. This is an incredibly quick process and really looks effective.
The next step was to position the chaps so I knew they'd fit! I stamped five chaps on the page and allowed them to overlap so they all looked like they could all be from one person having lots of personalities!
So the final steps was to stamp five chaps and five hats. It took about 10 minutes to colour the hats in and then assemble the page. Then I just needed to stamp and cut out the sentiment which is just fab!
Thank you for popping by. I hope you like my page and feel like creating something in under 30 minutes! If you then please enter the challenge here.
It's a new month and a new theme at Country View Crafts Challenges and you're being challenged to make something in under 30 minutes! I seem to waste ages pottering about in my studio finding just the right stamp, stencil or paint colour so for this challenge I limited myself to what was at hand - good job I've not tidied up for ages! I started by adding White Fire Fresco Paint to my page in my small journal and then a thin line of Matte Glaze at the top. I sprinkled a little Black Knight Infusions over the top. Taking an old credit card I scraped the mixture down the page creating a grungy look.
To finish the background I lightly stencilled some leaves using some Slate Fresco paint and some Cut and Dry foam. Can you see the cool details of the background from the Infusions?!
Then I added a few stamps in the background. The chap was stamped on some book paper and I coloured him in. When I'd stuck him down I stamped the bird on his head and then again on some more book paper. A few lines of gold paint and it was done - 27 minutes from start to finish!
Thank you for joining me today and I hope you check out the amazing art from my team mates and feel inspired to enter the challenge!