If you want to see other creative spaces that are probably a little more inspirational than mine than pop on over to the queen of desk hopping, Julia, and enjoy snooping round!
In other news I was lucky enough to be picked from a hat at the Everything Wendy Vecchi group and Wendy sent me a little prize! I am so chuffed - thank you Wendy!

totally sympathise with your cold as am at the rotten stage now myself, i have to admit to wanting to run around and tidy your desk though lol, hope you feel better soon :)
have a fab woyww
kay #56
Hope your cold doesn't get too bad that you have to abandon the studio.... it does look very busy!!! I can't get twitter to work (in the office) today so am feeling desolate...!! Helen, 35
Hope that cold doesn't grab you too hard lovely. Bomb site maybe but it so makes me want to come and dig around in those stamps and inks! Take care Zo xx 73
Well I have to say, my desk is no better and it comforts me to see others working in a tiny space too.
Hope your cold gets better really soon.
Happy WOYWW and have a creative end to the week.
hugs {brenda} xox #83
Oh my word I did laugh when I saw your desk ... pots and kettles, I know. Hope the cold doens't get any worse. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner #72)
bombshell indeeed! but don't worry mine looks like that ( ijust haven't showed it!!)
Hope you don't get too ill
Happy woywwing
Jennie #49
My desk is just the same, in fact I thought you had been squatting in my shed, I had to look twice.
Get well soon
Sheilagh #60
We love your decorated stash drawers. We have a similar unit in plain, we may have to decorate it up now you've inspired us.
Have some bear sympathy too, colds are not nice. Hope you feel better soon.
The bears @#93
You look as though you have been busy and we all have those moments! Hope you feel better soon!
Wow Gabrielle, lovely gifts from Wendy. Given the work that you produce, your desk does not look too bad at all to me, I have seen far worse! Hope the cold doesn't develop into something horrible...Happy WOYWW, Anne x #65
It must be the time of year for colds and starts of colds, sore throats etc. a lot about. Hope your feeling better soon. Wow to your desk. Makes me feel really tidy. Very interesting though.
Famfa 13
I love the Paris pack! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh at #11
Thanks for the smile on my face.... Your desk looks very familar to me ;)
A messy desk is a busy desk...we like your desk :-)
Awww sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, sending hugs your way. Now that's what I call a busy desk lol. Take care ... Gillian #67 xx
Hope you are feeling better soon. I love those pretty decorated drawer units...so special!
your desk just looks like you have been creating!
i have days when my workdesk looks much worse than that, and i am not sick on those days either :)
I wish you recover good health very soon. Rest and good sleep are the best. melinda alpha #55
My desk ususally looks the same as yours. Been cleaning lately is the only reason you can see the top of it this week. Do hope you get to feeling better. colds are such nasty things to get rid of.
Krisha #40 still lurking about
Oh poor you, colds are rotten. We have had a house full of them lately but "touch wood" I have managed to escape so far. Hope you are feeling better very soon.
Your desk looks like you are very busy creating something wonderful.
Well done on the great prize.
Hugs Lisax #80
Hope you feel better I hate sore throats. Better to leave the room as is so nothing is there to reinfect you once you go back into your space.~Tamika #34
Bomb site or not!! I love it full of crafty goodness....Congrats on your fab prize.. Enjoy.. I hope you feel better soon.. Hugs May x x x#52
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