Gosh, it's been an age again since I last played along. Mainly because my desk has been a tip (evidence here) and so to be honest there's only so much of that you can show before people look at you and think 'dirty witch'! So I am showing you what I did on Saturday! Look! Tidy. Only because I have burned my arm on a vvvvvv hot saucepan lid (no need for sympathy - it's on the mend!) and I have absolutely no mojo at all while it's still quite uncomfortable.
No idea why my hand matches my burn...!!! The Sudocrem was Julia's idea! See, I do listen Julia!
I can be pretty pathetic at returning visits but today I will make a big special effort to pop on over to your place and hang out a bit! If you want to see more desk madness then do visit the rather lovely Julia who is our ever patient hostess with the mostess!
OWIE! I think that still looks a bit painful and I couldn't imagine laying my arm over on it! Nice desk so neat and tidy but it won't be long you will be able to play again. Vickie #41
Super tidy desk, you beat me on that this week! Double ouch, I've read about your burn elsewhere of course but to see it makes me flinch and feel for you lovely. Eeek. Take care Zo xx 84
Ouch that sounds sore Gabrielle, I hope the pain eases soon. That's one mighty colourful hand too and a very neat desk. Thanks for popping by. Hugs Erika.
Ouch Gabrielle - if you hadn't told us of your mishap I would have sworn you had been going crazy with red ink! I see your desk is sitting patiently awaiting your return! Hope you feel up to some crafting soon. Happy WOYWW to your from Helen 57
That does look pretty nasty, I hope it mends soon, your desk looks FAR too tidy and needs to get inky and messy! Thanks for the visit, much appreciated. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #60
Lordy Gabrielle, that doesn't look any better to me. I think the sudocrem really takes the 'burn' pain off, but wish you a speedier recovery from now, Blimey. I would never consider you a messy witch, but am alarmed that you may turn into a tidy witch!!!
Ooooooo that does look sore and it's no wonder that you not up to crafting. Hope it soon gets better- well enough to make you want to craft again. Happy WOYWW Anne x #91
Ouch, ouch... I didn't come and look earlier, as I knew I'd bump into it once I started catching up with visiting - but boy that looks painful. Hope the Sudocrem works to soothe it. Alison x
I winced when I saw your arm, looks very painful. I burnt my fingertips at the weekend, getting a baking tray out of the oven and that stung for ages, your's must have been very painful - hope it's better today. My mojo is still playing hooky, maybe they are both playing together, naughty mojos - hope your's comes back soon.
Oh ouchie Gabrielle I do hope that your are feeling much better. Are you popping by Kettering this weekend? Happy WOYWW!xx Gillian #23
Ooooh Gabrielle that looks very sore :-(
A very very tidy desk, prefer it messy at least you been having fun then ;-)
Happy WOYWW. Xxxxx
OWIE! I think that still looks a bit painful and I couldn't imagine laying my arm over on it! Nice desk so neat and tidy but it won't be long you will be able to play again. Vickie #41
Super tidy desk, you beat me on that this week! Double ouch, I've read about your burn elsewhere of course but to see it makes me flinch and feel for you lovely. Eeek. Take care Zo xx 84
Ouch that sounds sore Gabrielle, I hope the pain eases soon. That's one mighty colourful hand too and a very neat desk.
Thanks for popping by.
Hugs Erika.
No wonder you can't craft! Hope it is properly better very soon, my lovely! (my boiler is fixed BTW!) Helen, 6
Ouch Gabrielle - if you hadn't told us of your mishap I would have sworn you had been going crazy with red ink! I see your desk is sitting patiently awaiting your return! Hope you feel up to some crafting soon. Happy WOYWW to your from Helen 57
That does look pretty nasty, I hope it mends soon, your desk looks FAR too tidy and needs to get inky and messy! Thanks for the visit, much appreciated. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #60
Lordy Gabrielle, that doesn't look any better to me. I think the sudocrem really takes the 'burn' pain off, but wish you a speedier recovery from now, Blimey. I would never consider you a messy witch, but am alarmed that you may turn into a tidy witch!!!
Oh not nice - keep adding the cream and it will get better soon. BJ#23
A "Messy Witch" is required for October LOL So sorry about the burn, looks awfully painful. CAn't wait to have you back at it again.
Krisha #30
ouch! that sure looks painful,hope it heals fast :)
have a great woyww
kay #48
Hope your burn is better and you can get crafting!Tamika #14
Ooooooo that does look sore and it's no wonder that you not up to crafting. Hope it soon gets better- well enough to make you want to craft again. Happy WOYWW Anne x #91
Ouch, ouch... I didn't come and look earlier, as I knew I'd bump into it once I started catching up with visiting - but boy that looks painful. Hope the Sudocrem works to soothe it.
Alison x
Blimey, that looks sore and I bet you catch it against things all the time :( Hope it mends really soon....
From another messy witch!
Hugs, LLJ #50 xx
I winced when I saw your arm, looks very painful. I burnt my fingertips at the weekend, getting a baking tray out of the oven and that stung for ages, your's must have been very painful - hope it's better today.
My mojo is still playing hooky, maybe they are both playing together, naughty mojos - hope your's comes back soon.
Ann B
Uah, that looks really sore. Hope you arm will feel better soon.
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