Look! I'm all tidy! Nothing to see but lots of space to actually create on! My heart sings when I see this (I even got out the Fairy Power Spray and gave my manky desk protector thingy a blummin' good (and probably over due) clean! So what is there to spy? I'm watching the Olympics (gosh it's been unmissable telly!) so that will please Helen!
Oh! Propped up against that lots of stamps (only there to remind me of my next DT commitment (It will go back into it's 'home' soon!) is my latest EWV project - details were here. And I thought I'd put that away, Hmmm.... Standards already slipping...
Look! It's all so tidy! Lovely, if fleeting sight! oh. And detail fans the house on the window sill is, predictably, no further on than last week! But it is now in my eye line so maybe, just maybe I'll finish it! I just have a bit of tidying behind me to do and I'm in smug position #1! I know that this won't last long but it's a nice feeling know that, for a few minutes, I have the ability to be tidy - just need to keep David out of here so he doesn't expect the same service in the rest of the house!
Want to spy into the murky world that is other people's creative spaces? Delve on in to the lovely Julia's abode where more delectable delights await...!!!

Wow your studio is awesome, I would love something like this. I have a corner in the dining room!!! Sooo tidy, how long will it stay like that do you think? Lol.
Happy WOYWW.
Sandra. X
I need more wall space like you to hang all my stuff...it is lurking in boxes at the moment...I love those union jack boxes on the bottom shelf, but then I think I am repeating myself from a previous post.
So tidy.... I (as you know) haven't been crafting due to the Olympics (yes I'm pleased you're watching!) but am nowhere near this tidy..... Love the look of your studio, really really want to come and play!! Helen, 24
Oh dear, this is the third desk that I have visited where there has been a good old tidy up......do you think someone is trying to tell me something? Well, too bad, I am glued to the Olympics, it will just have to wait. lol. Anne x #58
OMG Gabrielle get up to my craft room right now and sort me out! I love how tidy your space is and you put me to shame, hangs head down low! Best get creating now to mess it back up! LOL
Hugs Erika.
Love your craft room Gabrielle, Its Gorgeous.. so organised.. Have a great week, Hugs May x x x#12
I am drooling over those British themed boxes near the floor. They are so gorgeous!
Oh wow your studio is amazing, you so have to show me around when I visit in November! Take care Zo xx
OK, you win...tidiest desk of the week award!!!!!!!!!!! Trish #10
Cor blimey Mrs that is really tidy and I'm very jealous, mine is a complete tip!!
Love the union jack boxes as well!
L. x
what a wonderful space you have there girl! Love that huge window and so many wonderful storage ideas here! Glenda 93
Wow things are scarily tidy ! I have to attack my craft space this summer - no chance of my DH thinking I'm a tidy girl - he has his desk opposite mine - he's Mr Neatnik & I'm Mrs Clutter !! Happily opposites attract & after 20 years he knows I'm a lost cause !!! Ali #53
Its is a good feeling when you tidy up, but never lasts with me. Great crafting space you have . Francesca #92
You have a wonderful crafting space! Love all your storage and the way everything is laid out so neatly - and you had better watch that Julia doesn't purloin those Union Jack boxes!!
Thanks for the birthday wishes, I had a fab day and was thoroughly spoiled!
Hugs, LLJ #1 xx
lovely crafty space, very organised but ready to go when you have time. I enjoy a good tidy up now and again too.
runny late this week
janet... enjoying the olympics too
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